Absolutely free
Giupchame Giupchame

Search for a job and trusted caregivers

“White list” of job seekers. Checks and reviews


3 easy steps

For families:
Post a job for free
Examine candidate responses
Connect with the best candidates
For job seekers:
Fill out the form and upload a photo
Respond to attractive job ad
Reply to chats and calls

Best caregivers

according to the rating of Giupchame
Hồng, няня, Quan 1
Quan 1
Age: 60 years
Work experience: 2 years
Service hourly fee: from 100000 VND/hour
Thiện, няня, Quan 1
Quan 1
Age: 24 years
Work experience: 1 year
Service hourly fee: from 50000 VND/hour
Xuan, няня, Quan 1
Quan 1
Age: 34 years
Work experience: 1 year
Service hourly fee: from 50000 VND/hour
Hồ Mỹ duyên, няня, Quan 1
Quan 1
Hồ Mỹ duyên
Age: 24 years
Work experience: 2 years
Service hourly fee: from 10000 VND/hour

Feedback from our users

Trương Kim Phụng
The Facebook group recommended your site! I didn't really believe that it was possible to find someone like that, but I found a nanny in a week! There is a large selection of nannies who are checked by specialists.
15 June 2021
Đoàn Mai Hương
I found a vacancy for a caregiver on Giupchame and wrote to the employer I was invited to an interview, now I have already started working. It is convenient to look for vacancies near home. I recommend this platform to everyone!
3 July 2021
Dương Phương Anh
I am personally satisfied with the work of the site. Everything is legal, safe and reliable. I have found an amazing nanny-housekeeper who already works with us. I always recommend this platform to all my friends!
7 July 2021

Questions and answers


How to find an employee?
We recommend that you place your search ad so that employees can submit their resumes. You may also choose a candidate by yourself in the Search section.
What is the rating based on?
The rating is formed on the basis of feedback from employers and the completion of the employee's profile.
How can I view employee reviews?
The review is published in the questionnaire at the very bottom. If the Leave Feedback button is displayed, then the employee has no feedback yet. At the same time, the candidate may have personal recommendations.
How do I find an employee close to my home?
In the Search section, set the minimum distance in the filters and click the Apply button. The system will show you all the employees who live near you.

For employees

Do I need to pay for the services of the site?
The site is free for employees. You do not need to pay for registration and responses.
How to find a job faster?
We recommend filling out your resume as detailed as possible, actively responding to vacancies (at least 5 responses per day) and promptly responding to messages in Chats.
Is it obligatory to upload personal photos and photos of diplomas to the site?
We recommend uploading these photos if you are interested in finding a well-deserved job in a short time.
Why upgrade your rating?
By increasing your rating, you noticeably stand out among other candidates, increase the trust of employers and receive more job offers.

Checking candidates

Each candidate registered on the site goes through several stages of checks
Blacklist check
Phone confirmed
Email confirmed
Interview passed

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