A nanny to accompany a 2 year old child and help out with house chores at our house (dành cho phụ nữ, cần kinh nghiệm), Quan 7

Quan 7
Độ tuổi:
25-45 tuổi
Kinh nghiệm: bất kì
Mức lương: 40000 VND/giờ
Mức lương:
theo thỏa thuận
Ngày lập: 01.01.2024 năm
Ngày bắt đầu công việc: 08.01.2024

A nanny to accompany a 2 year old child and help out with house chores at our house (dành cho phụ nữ, cần kinh nghiệm)

Độ tuổi:
25-45 tuổi
Kinh nghiệm: bất kì
Mức lương: 40000 VND/giờ
Mức lương:
theo thỏa thuận
Ngày lập: 01.01.2024 năm
Ngày bắt đầu công việc: 08.01.2024
Độ tuổi: 25-45 tuổi
Kinh nghiệm: bất kì
Mức lương: 40000 VND/giờ
Mức lương:
theo thỏa thuận
Ngày lập: 01.01.2024 năm
Ngày bắt đầu công việc: 08.01.2024
Miêu tả
Hello, we are foreigner parents and have a 2 year old son. We are looking for a nanny who can speak English and can take care of our son and help us with our house chores. At 2 pm, we please ask you to do laundry, floor cleaning and do the dishes. We will pick up our kid from preschool at 4 pm and will be back home at 4:30 pm. From then he needs to be taken care of and please help him learn English and have fun with you. He needs to eat dinner and sleep at 8 pm. Please finish the left over chores after he sleeps (needs to be tucked in) and the work ends at 9 pm. We are usually away from Vietnam about a week per month to another country so you can take days off when we are away. Our child needs care sometimes when we are off for work for several days, we won't be home so we need you to stay with our kid at our house for those days, and it will be about 2-3 days a month. We want a honest, caring and understanding nanny who can love our son. Live in, or Live out is up to you. The salary that we can offer you is 10,000,000 vnd. Thank you very much
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